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Saturday, February 6, 2010


i have lost 1.5 lbs in the last 2 days!!! i have been trying to get up and walk around more at work and really watching the portions that i eat. part of this wight loss goal isn't just to lose the weight, but to develop healthy eating habits to go along with it. i hate the word diet. everyone at work is always on a 'diet'. the thing that gets me is, everything we eat is our diet. so when we change what we eat for a specific purpose and then go back to doing what we were doing, there is very little chance to keep the weight off. that's one of the reasons i am not just going to join a gym and spend 3 hours a day burning calories. the better idea is to eat healthier calories and less of them and slightly increase activity. then you are changing small things about the way you function and it's easier to keep it going. so i am not just 'going on a diet', i am trying to change it. not that's it's that bad to begin with. while i may not have ever been overly cautious about what i ate, i am at least conscious about it. i may not always chose the veggies over the fries, but i don't eat all of them. when i get hungry between meals i like to munch on carrots. ever since i was little it was one of my favorite snacks. makes me wonder how my eye sight is so bad. and i love broccoli and cauliflower with a little ranch dressing. i prefer these to chips and crackers any day. and then of course i don't eat red meat, and really don't eat a whole lot of chicken either, though i do try and get some form of protein in everyday. also makes me wonder how my cholesterol got so high...thank you parental units for that one. so the long and short is: so far, so good!

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